About me
Elisabeth is originally from Sisimiut in Greenland, but has lived in Northern Sweden for 30 years. She was educated as an actress at the Tukak Theater in Denmark 1983-1988, and during this time she studied Butoh Dance and Noh Theater in Japan. Elisabeth works as a freelance actress and a mask dancer, as well as teaching Liberating Dance and Greenlandic Mask Dance through workshops across Scandinavia, Greenland and other parts of the world. She also lectures in various contexts within dance and health. Elisabeth has been employed at Giron Sámi Teáhter and also freelances in several different theatres, including in Greenland.
Nature is my continuous source of inspiration. The following poem by Lars Henrik Blind mediates this palette of experiences and impressions that forms my art.
“ Our old world and home
The roof was of healthy clouds
The floor was of healthy mountain moors,
plains and valleys where rivers and waterways rippled freely, which are the lifelines of life
The mountain sides were our walls,
they controlled the winds and storms
Our new world and home
The roof is leaking, the floor has deep furrows, the waterways are dammed, acidified
and the mountain walls are cracking”
Photos: Elisabeth Heilmann Blind